Introducing the Brand Marketing Summit

February 14, 2019
Aaron Kirkpatrick

Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Class of 2020

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Each year on the day before International Convention officially begins, BBYO offers a wide variety of Pre-IC Summit tracks. This year, BBYO chose to offer a new one, Brand Marketing Summit.

This new track was an instant hit, seeing as it was one of the only sold out tracks. Matt Brown, a senior from Michigan Region, said he chose this summit because, “the new summit caught my eye and the idea of brand marketing really hit me due to the amount of photography and videography that I do on my own time.”

Many others felt this way going into the summit and were excited when photographer and reporter Andy Isaacson came and spoke about his time traveling the world and photographing a variety of different things. Junior Dylan Assil from Big Apple Region said, “He was very insightful and has had amazing experiences in his life that he was able to learn from and share with us”.

Being that this was a new summit, I asked one of the teen coordinators, Liat Perlman from Evergreen Region, what she had hoped for the summit. Her response was that she “wanted all attendants to take away at least one piece of information or new skill they learned about the marketing and/or media industry back to their home communities and put it into action. I think we were able to accomplish this through numerous speakers, presentation, and Ben [Harmon, the other teen coordinator] and I are extremely proud of how it turned out.”

It will be great to see what this summit provides for members in the future.

Aaron Kirkpatrick is an Aleph from Northern Region East: DC and loves being a punter.

All views expressed on content written for The Shofar represent the opinions and thoughts of the individual authors. The author biography represents the author at the time in which they were in BBYO.

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