Annulation et dates importantes

Registration, Cancellation & Payments

The Process from Registration to IC 2025

Tenez compte de ces dates clés pour rester au courant des inscriptions, des bourses et des paiements pour la convention internationale BBYO .

Texte du bouton

Politique d'annulation

Due to the popularity of IC and to prevent disruption to program planning late in the season, only partial refunds will be issued after November 7, 2024 and no refunds will be issued after December 6, 2024. There are no exceptions to this policy which includes, but not limited to, cases of homesickness, dismissal, and medical or voluntary withdrawal.

Families are encouraged to purchase Travel Protection to protect their investment should anything happen to prevent a delegate's attendance at IC.

To cancel your registration, email Please include your delegate’s name and reason for cancellation.

Dates importantes

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

IC registration opens at 8 PM EST ($250 minimum deposit due at registration)

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Date limite de dépôt des demandes de bourse de l'IC

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Annonce d'une bourse de l'IC

Thursday, November 7, 2024

$450 payment due
Last day to cancel from IC with a full refund (payments are non-transferable)

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Payment is due in full, medical forms are due, and the travel form due
Last day to cancel from IC with a $250 cancellation fee

Friday, December 6, 2024

Tous les frais sont non remboursables et non transférables.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Last day to register for IC 2025 (pending availability)
To cancel your registration, email

Politique d'annulation

Due to the popularity of IC and to prevent disruption to program planning late in the season, only partial refunds will be issued after November 7, 2024 and no refunds will be issued after December 5, 2024.